1. Actual problems of modern arable farming
2. Modeling of soil cultivation systems
3. New management methods to control weeds in agrocenosis
4. Biotechnological methods in plant breeding and selection
5. DNA-markers and their use in selection, genetics and plant growing.
6. GMO detection methods.
7. Principles of crop seeds certification and its structural elements
8. Modernity in regulation of accounting in agriculture
Finances and Accounting
9. Application of International Financial Reporting Standards in agricultural organizations
Finances and Accounting
10. Analysis of book-keeping report
Finances and Accounting
11. Tax planning: methods and practical experience
Finances and Accounting
12. Financial reporting in compliance with IFRS – new financial analysis intelligence: methodology and practical application
Finances and Accounting
13. Budget management organization in agroindustrial complexes
Finances and Accounting
14. Analysis of creditworthiness of borrowers – master class
Finances and Accounting
15. Optimization of sources of funds (leasing, financing, factoring, shareholder’s equity) – master class
Finances and Accounting
16. Organization of extension service of agricultural goods producers
17. Consulting of agricultural goods producers on financial, economic and juridical subjects
18. Consulting of agricultural goods producers on analysis and management of innovative and investment activities
19. Organization of transition to the sustainable development of rural areas in Russian Federation subjects
20. Intensification of municipal management of rural areas
Humanities and Education
21.Innovative achievements in teaching courses on the specialty “Horticulture and Viticulture”
Fruit and Vegetable Growing
22. Innovative Technologies in Greenhouse and Field Vegetable Growing and Seed Production of Vegetable Crops
Fruit and Vegetable Growing
23. Modern methods of selection and propagation of fruit, vegetable crops and ornamental plants
Fruit and Vegetable Growing
24. Ornamental horticulture
Fruit and Vegetable Growing
25. Agro ecological land appraisal and agro landscape designing
Soil Science, Agrochemistry and Ecology
26. Theory and practical application of microorganisms in agriculture
Soil Science, Agrochemistry and Ecology
27. Peculiarities of agricultural production in conditions of radio nuclide contamination
Soil Science, Agrochemistry and Ecology
28. Ecological management and audit in agro industrial complex: practical experience of information provision
Soil Science, Agrochemistry and Ecology
29. Modern achievements in teaching the course “Agricultural organic chemistry”
Soil Science, Agrochemistry and Ecology
30. Organization, technique and technology of cow machine milking
Zoo-engineering, Technology
31. Selection programmes at different management levels
32. The science of breeding utility dogs
33. Problem of keeping cut flower quality
34. Problems of teaching the course “Plant physiology” (for university lecturers)
35. Current problems of field crops physiology